在诸多 的运动中,有个不为人们注意的运动,这就是提肛运动。它是防治肛肠疾病最有效的方法。 《黄帝内经·素问》上说:“魄门为五脏使,水谷不得久藏。”古时“魄”与“粕”通用,魄门就是肛门。肛门能调节五脏之气升降,以输泻糟粕。唐朝名医孙思邈在《枕中方》中提出“谷道易常撮”,谷道即肛门,意思是最好常做提肛运动。明代名医张景岳在《类经》中阐述有“虽诸腑糟粕固由其泻”之说,而经常提肛使脏气通利,除了能防治内外痔疮,也有利于脏腑的生理协调。
In many sports, there is a people do not pay attention to the movement, which is the levator ani exercise. It is the most effective method of prevention and treatment of anorectal disease. “Huang Di Nei Jing Su asked,” said: “Soul door for the five internal organs, Mizutani not possession of a long time.” Ancient “soul” and “Meal” common, soul door is the anus. Anal can regulate the five internal organs of the gas lift to lose diarrhea meal. The famous doctor of the Tang Dynasty, Sun Simiao, put forward in his “Pillow China” an article entitled “Guotao easy to pinch”. Guodao means anus, which means that it is better to make an anus movement. In the classics, Zhang Jingyue expounded in his classics that although dictation of dregs of various internal organs dominates its diarrhea, Zhang Mingyue, a well-known physician in the Ming Dynasty, often referred to as “dirty gas” in addition to controlling internal and external hemorrhoids, and also favored the physiological coordination of viscera.