大陆和台湾地区青年同根同祖 ,同受几千年中国传统文化道德的教育、影响 ,在婚恋观上有很多相同的地方。他们在择偶时自主意识强 ,推崇爱情 ,重视婚姻质量等。但由于社会制度和意识形态的不同 ,两地青年又有明显的差异。台湾地区青年在择偶条件上功利色彩浓厚 ,尤其在性观念、性行为等问题上更为开放和宽容 ,以至于出现了少女怀孕、堕胎、爱滋病增多等一系列较严重的社会问题。
The youth in the mainland and Taiwan are the same as their ancestors. With the education and influence of thousands of years of Chinese traditional culture and morality, there are many similarities in the concept of marriage and love. When they mate their own strong sense of self-esteem, love, emphasis on the quality of marriage. However, due to the differences in social systems and ideologies, there is a clear difference in youth between the two places. In Taiwan, young people are more utilitarian and have more openness and tolerance in their sexual attitudes and sexual behaviors. As a result, a series of more serious social problems such as teenage pregnancy, abortion and AIDS increase have emerged.