
来源 :时代教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shuguang_888
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华阳实小的赫赫有名并非完全得益于它的200年悠久历史,近年来突然间的声名鹊起倒是源起于1999年,当年该校突然爆冷反超成都主城区众多实力名校,以卫星城镇学校的普通身份竟一跃成为成都市第一所9年义务教育示范校,业界坊间一时刮目相看。时至今日,在华阳这个名副其实的卫星城镇中,华阳实小当首屈一指。近三四年间,随购房迁徙至此的城市新兴移民们,亦纷纷将子女送入该校,用“趋之若骛”一词来形容此状再合适不过了。 Huayang real small notoriously not entirely due to its 200-year history, in recent years the sudden rise of reputation is derived from the year 1999, when the school suddenly upset Chengdu City, many of the elite strength of the main city to satellite towns The ordinary identity of the school has actually become the first 9-year compulsory education demonstration school in Chengdu, the industry for a time eye-catching. Today, in the real satellite town of Huayang, Huayang real kid second to none. In the last three or four years, new immigrants from cities that migrated to purchase houses have also sent their children to the school. It is appropriate to describe this situation with the word “in a rush”.