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在高中物理教学中,为了更好的满足社会对人才的需要,就需要转变教育理念与策略,将应试教育转变为素质教育,培养出全面发展的现代化建设社会的人才。由此,需要以素质教育为指导思想,实施高效、高质的物理教学策略。这里就从关注学生主体、注重实验教学、强化社会应用、弘扬科学精神这些方面,探讨了高中物理素质教育的实施策略。社会的快速发展与进步,国家的竞争逐渐转变到人才的竞争上来。素质教育要求,要重视培养学生的思维素质、创新能力 In high school physics teaching, in order to better meet the needs of the society for talented people, it is necessary to change the concepts and strategies of education, to turn the exam-oriented education into quality education and to cultivate talents in an all-round, modernized society. Therefore, it is necessary to take quality education as the guiding ideology and implement efficient and high-quality physics teaching strategies. Here from the focus on the student body, focusing on experimental teaching, strengthen social application, promote scientific spirit these aspects, discussed the implementation of physical education in high school strategy. Rapid social development and progress, the state’s competition gradually shifted to the talent competition. Quality education requirements, we must attach importance to cultivate students’ thinking quality, innovation ability
数学教学评价是数学课堂教学活动的重要一环,其目的是了解学生的整个学习过程,引导和激发学生的学习热情,提高教学质量 Evaluation of mathematics teaching is an importan
在充分分析近几年美国TSO的基础上,从6个方面讨论了TSO的发展动向。 On the basis of a full analysis of the TSO in the United States in recent years, the development trend o
Aim:To investigate the effect of the Tob1 gene,a member of the TransducingMolecule of ErbB2/B-cell Translocation Ggene (TOB/BTG) family,by usingthe adenovirus-
园林专业,在国际上又被称为景观设计专业(Landscape Architecture),是一个与现代人生活环境息息相关,但是又不为人所了解的专业。在大多数人眼中,对园林人的印象不外乎两种,好一点的说你是个搞设计的,设计个公园什么的(拜托,哪里有那么多公园给园林人天天设计);另一种则简单粗暴得多——觉得你就是个种花种树的。而在建筑系的同学眼中,会以为你是个艺术生,当他们明白你是个理科生之后,会用一脸
Individuals diagnosed with ulcerative colitis face a significantly increased risk ofdeveloping colorectal dysplasia and cancer during their lifetime.To date,li
反思·走上“从政之路”  命运给来自农村的丁堃开了个玩笑,她不仅需要复读才能圆大学梦,而且在第二年填报高考志愿的时候被“撞”到了安徽大学的哲学系。怀着火箭设计制造梦的丁堃,不得不重新考虑自己的职业生涯。  摸准方向之后,对从政格外热心的丁堃,在毕业那年参加了省公务员考试并被录取,至今已经工作了5年。丁堃说,当时的公务员考试(以下简称“国考”)还没有现在这么激烈,很多年轻人拿国考当成自己的唯一追求,