砂地柏、铺地柏同属柏科圆柏属,都是常绿低矮匍匐灌木,具有喜光、耐寒、耐干旱、抗污染等特点,是防沙固沙、护堤护坡、防止水土流失、园林绿化、高速公路绿化的优良树种,有“常绿草坪”之称,发展前景看好。但用种子繁殖比较困难,通常采用扦插进行繁殖,其技术要点如下: 一、育苗时期与地块的选择及处理露地育苗在5—8月份均可进行,但以温、湿度比较适宜的8月份成活率最高,育苗场地应选择向阳、平整、洁净、用水便利的地块。扦插基质可选用素沙、泥炭土或两者混合以及蛭
Sabina przewalskii and Sabina przewalskii belong to the genus Prunus armeniaca, all of which are evergreen low-footed shrubs with the characteristics of hi-light, cold resistance, drought resistance and pollution resistance. They are sand-preventing and sand-fixing, berm slope protection, soil erosion prevention and landscaping , Highway green tree species, “green lawn ”, said the development prospects. However, breeding seeds is more difficult, usually using cutting propagation, the technical points are as follows: First, the breeding period and plots of choice and treatment of open-field nursery in the May-August can be carried out, but the temperature and humidity more appropriate August The highest survival rate, nursery grounds should choose sunny, smooth, clean, watery land plots. Cuttings matrix optional sand, peat soil or a mixture of both and leeches