1病例资料患者,男,因左侧腰腹部疼痛不适伴间断血尿2年就诊。既往反复尿频、尿急,自服消炎药均能好转。查体:生命体征平稳,左肾区叩击痛阳性,余无阳性体征。图1见左侧肾盂稍扩张,内部见不均匀混杂密度影填充,中间见一大小约2.0 cm×1.1 cm结石。图2为增强后见左肾盂不均匀轻度强化增强CT示左侧肾盂稍扩张,内部见不均匀混杂密度影填充,中间见一大小约2.0 cm×1.1 cm结石(图1),增强后见左
1 case data patients, male, because of the left side of the waist and abdomen pain discomfort with intermittent hematuria 2 years treatment. Past frequent urination, urgency, self-serving anti-inflammatory drugs can be improved. Physical examination: stable vital signs, peristalsis pain in the left kidney area, no positive signs. Figure 1, see the left renal pelvis slightly dilated, the internal see heterogeneous mixed density filled with the shadow, the middle see a size of about 2.0 cm × 1.1 cm stones. Figure 2 shows the enhanced see left renal pelvis slightly enhanced enhanced CT showed a slight dilatation of the left renal pelvis, the internal see heterogeneous mixed density filling, the middle see a size of about 2.0 cm × 1.1 cm stones (Figure 1), after the enhancement see left