面神经纤维瘤为一罕见疾病, 现将我科收治1例报告如下。 患者,男,27岁。于1990年 1月 5日入院。主诉:左眼不能闭合、口角歪斜13年,左耳后流脓3月。1984年出现左侧耳鸣、耳内闷胀不适、听力减退,自用火柴棒挖耳时发现耳道内有阻塞物,1989年9月,耳鸣加重,耳内跳痛,耳后出现核桃大之软性肿块,在他院切开排脓约 20ml,疼痛消失,但切口经久不愈,且有脓液外溢。既往无耳外伤、流脓及眩晕病史。入院全身检查无异常。本科检查:
Facial nerve fibroma is a rare disease, now we receive 1 case report as follows. Patient, male, 27 years old. January 5, 1990 admission. Chief Complaint: left eye can not be closed, the mouth is skewed for 13 years, after the left ear pus in March. 1984 tinnitus left ear muffled ear discomfort, hearing loss, self-match stick dug ears ear block found in the ear canal, in September 1989, tinnitus increased, ear pain, the ear after the walnut soft big Mass, in his hospital cut about 20ml row of suppurative pain disappears, but the incision delayed healing, and there is overflow of pus. Previously no history of ear trauma, pus and vertigo. No abnormalities in admission to the whole body examination. Undergraduate examination: