从1999年1月1日起,我家有了一份菜单——把一周要吃的小菜都列在上面 说真的,有了这份周菜单,真是既省事,又省钱。说省事,按菜单去买菜,有的放矢,明明白白,毋须搜肠刮肚动脑筋 说省钱,菜单上写什么,买什么,写多少,买多少,绝无浪费 而以前,小菜不是买多了,就是买少了,买多了吃不完,倒掉;买少了又不够吃再去买,结果还是吃不了,造成浪费 现在“按图索骥”再无多多少少的矛盾 为此我暗暗佩服妻子,当家理财还真有一手,把食堂的那一套搬到家里来,还挺管用哩! 实事求是地说,我虽拎了这么多年的“菜篮子”,但鉴于多方面的因素,这“菜篮子”感到越来越难拎了
From January 1, 1999 onwards, my family has a menu - the dishes to be eaten for a week are listed in the above truth, with this week’s menu, it is both easy and economical. To save trouble, according to the menu to buy food, targeted, plainly, no need to search for food to save money, what to write on the menu, what to buy, how much to write, how much to buy, no waste Previously, the dishes are not to buy more, is to buy Less, buy more to eat, farewell; buy less and eat enough to buy again, the result still can not eat, resulting in waste Now “according to what one wants” and then no more or less contradictory To this end I secretly admire his wife, when the family financial Really have the one hand, the canteen that moved to the home, quite manage miles! To be realistic, I have carried “food baskets” for so many years, but in view of many factors, the “food basket” is more and more difficult to carry