近几个月,证券市场上涉足互 联网和电子商务的上市公 司如雨后春笋,股价也屡创新高。据初步统计,现在“触网”上市公司已经超过一百家,近期几乎每天都有公司公告“触网”。而在市场上,“触网”也往往伴随而来的就是股价的飚升。在一派眼花缭乱之中,投资者真是难以辨别,
In recent months, listed companies involved in the Internet and e-commerce in the securities market have mushroomed and their share prices have hit record highs. According to preliminary statistics, there are now over 100 listed companies in the “net” market, with company announcements “touching the net” almost daily. In the market, “net” is often accompanied by soaring stock prices. Among the dazzling array of investors really difficult to distinguish,