目的:探讨胎儿宫内发育迟缓(IUGR)发生和死亡有关的因素,寻求降低其发生率,提高存活率的途径.方法:IUGR组104例,与正常组200例进行对照分析.结果:孕周及出生时体重与围产儿死亡关系密切。孕周越短、出生体重越低,死亡率越高.IUGR组中并发妊高征、双胎、羊水过少的发生率与正常组比较有极显著的差异(P<0.01)而先天性畸形、胎儿窘迫、新生儿窒息和围产儿死亡的发生率也显著高于正常组.结论 导致IUGR发生的因素复杂而繁多,妊高征是最常见的重要原因,而双胎是造成IUGR的又一重要因素.先天性畸形染色体异常是引起IUGR的重要的胎儿因素.强调孕妇定期产前检查,早期发现妊娠合并症及胎儿畸形,进行早期治疗和必要的引产是减少IUGR的发生和降低围产儿死亡率的关键.
Objective: To explore the factors related to the occurrence and mortality of intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), and seek ways to reduce the incidence and improve the survival rate. Methods: 104 cases of IUGR group and 200 cases of normal control group were analyzed. Results: Pregnancy and birth weight were closely related to perinatal death. The shorter the gestational age, the lower the birth weight, the higher the mortality rate. The prevalence of PIH, twins and oligohydramnios in IUGR group were significantly different from those in normal group (P <0.01). Congenital malformations, fetal distress, neonatal asphyxia and perinatal death occurred Rates were also significantly higher than the normal group. Conclusions The factors that cause IUGR are complicated and numerous. PIH is the most common and important reason, and twins are another important factor in IUGR. Congenital malformations chromosomal abnormalities are important fetal factors that cause IUGR. Emphasize regular prenatal examination of pregnant women, early detection of pregnancy complications and fetal malformations, early treatment and induction of labor necessary to reduce the occurrence of IUGR and reduce the key to perinatal mortality.