19世纪来华新教传教士秉承耶稣会的文化适应政策 ,开创性地运用通俗生动的白话小说宣扬教义。他们试图从儒家学说中寻找有力的思想观念资源和支持的依据 ,作为基督教进入中国读者内心的通道。这些作品尽量尊重中国的文化传统、民族习俗及礼仪 ,迎合中国读者的阅读习惯与审美趣味 ,模仿传统章回小说 ,用白话写作小说。同时 ,将问答体引入小说 ,在基督教与佛教、道教、儒家之间展开广泛而且互动的对话 ,对晚清新小说家产生了深刻的影响。由于帝国主义扩张为基督教在华的大规模传播提供了契机 ,同时传教士小说中流露出明显的欧洲文化优越感 ,这使传教士小说打上了帝国主义扩张的烙印 ,中国各阶层读者在近代历史的特定语境中阅读这些作品时心境复杂。
In the 19th century, Protestant missionaries in China, adhering to the Jesuit cultural adaptation policy, pioneered the use of popular and vernacular vernacular novels to promote doctrine. They try to find a strong source of ideas and support from Confucianism as a channel for Christianity to enter the hearts of Chinese readers. These works try to respect Chinese cultural traditions, national customs and etiquette, cater to Chinese readers’ reading habits and aesthetic taste, imitate the traditional chapter novels and write novels in vernacular. At the same time, the introduction of the Q & A into the novels and the extensive and interactive dialogue between Christianity and Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism have had a profound impact on the novelist in the late Qing Dynasty. The expansion of imperialism provides an opportunity for the large-scale spread of Christianity in China. At the same time, there is a clear sense of superiority of European culture in missionary novels, which impresses the missionaries’ fiction on the expansion of imperialism. The readers of all social strata in modern history It is difficult to read these works in a particular context.