共产主义是社会制度、理论体系、历史运动的统一。因而 ,可以从多个维度来讨论对共产主义的认识的深化。共产主义作为社会制度和历史运动无疑是最为重要的认识向度。前者表明 ,共产主义不但是未来美好的社会形态 ,而且也是最合乎人类发展本质的制度安排 ;后者表明 ,共产主义不仅是实践的运动 ,而且也是理论的运动 ;共产主义的真理性在于前者与后者的统一。
Communism is the unification of social system, theoretical system and historical movement. Thus, the deepening of understanding of communism can be discussed in many dimensions. As the social system and historical movement, communism is undoubtedly the most important dimension of understanding. The former shows that communism is not only a good social form in the future, but also the institutional arrangement most suitable to the essence of human development. The latter shows that communism is not only a practice movement but also a movement of theory. The truth of communism lies in the fact that the former The latter’s unity.