一、香烟的别名英美俚语中有两个香烟的别名.一是 cancer stick(癌症棒棒),二是 coffin nail(棺材钉),都生动地表明人们深知吸烟的害处。可惜的是,如今校园里仍有许多吸烟者,笔者介绍这两个俚语,希望吸烟的读者以后不再吞云吐雾。二、招租广告里的缩写美国人常搬家,因而常需要找房子住。每天报纸上的分类广告里都有大量的招租广告。为节省篇幅,这些广告都用缩写,看不惯的话一时还看不懂呢。请看下面的一则广告:
First, the alias of cigarettes Anglo-American slang has two cigarettes in the alias: one cancer stick (cancer sticks), the second is coffin nail (coffin nail), vividly show that people are well aware of the harmful effects of smoking. Unfortunately, there are still many smokers on campus today. The author introduces these two slang phrases and hopes readers who smoke will no longer swallow fuss. Second, rental ads Abbreviations Americans often move, so often need to find a house to live. Daily newspaper classified ads have a lot of rent ads. In order to save space, these ads are abbreviated, could not understand the moment also do not understand it. See one of the ads below: