目的了解延安市安塞县居民食物中食盐含量。方法采用随机抽样法采集居民家庭、餐馆菜肴和居民家庭自制和市售腌制食品,采用GB/T 12457—2008《食品中氯化钠的测定方法》检测各类样品Na Cl含量。结果共采集各类食品747份,其中居民家庭菜肴258份、餐馆菜肴332份以及腌制食品157份,平均Na Cl含量分别为(2.15±2.44)、(2.29±1.04)和(3.73±2.22)g/100 g,三类食品Na Cl含量由高到低为腌制食品、餐馆菜肴和居民家庭菜肴(均P<0.05)。居民家庭菜肴中荤菜、素菜和汤类平均Na Cl含量分别为(2.05±3.23)、(2.34±1.21)和(1.31±1.51)g/100 g,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。腌制食品中酱黄瓜、腐乳、腌猪肉和腌酸菜平均Na Cl含量分别为(3.77±1.73)、(2.66±1.28)、(3.39±3.33)和(5.99±3.72)g/100 g。市售的酱黄瓜和腌菜Na Cl含量比居民家庭自制的高(均P<0.05)。结论安塞县居民食品盐含量较高,建议加强饮食控盐干预措施,少吃腌制食品,降低食盐摄入量。
Objective To understand the salt content of food in Ansai County, Yan’an City. Methods Random samples were collected from households, restaurants and home-made and marketed foods. The contents of NaCl in all samples were determined by GB / T 12457-2008, “Determination of Sodium Chloride in Food”. Results A total of 747 samples of all kinds of food were collected, including 258 household dishes, 332 restaurant dishes and 157 preserved foods. The mean Na Cl contents were (2.15 ± 2.44), (2.29 ± 1.04) and (3.73 ± 2.22) g / 100 g. The content of NaCl in the three kinds of food was salted food, restaurant dishes and household dishes from high to low (P <0.05). The mean Na Cl contents of meat dish, vegetarian vegetable and soup in household dishes were (2.05 ± 3.23), (2.34 ± 1.21) and (1.31 ± 1.51) g / 100 g respectively, with no significant difference (P> 0.05). The average NaCl contents of cucumber, preserved bean curd, pickled pork and pickled pickled cabbage in preserved foods were (3.77 ± 1.73), (2.66 ± 1.28), (3.39 ± 3.33) and (5.99 ± 3.72) g / 100 g, respectively. Commercially available sauce cucumbers and pickles Na Cl content than the home-made high (P <0.05). Conclusion In Ansai County, residents of higher salt content of food, it is recommended to strengthen diet salt control interventions, eat less preserved foods, reduce salt intake.