1%的缺陷就意味着:每小时丢失20,000件邮包,每周做错5,000例外科手术,大型机场每天发生4-5起事故,每年有200,000张处方配错药……根据这些惊人的统计,是否还有人为做对99%的事情而感到沾沾自喜? 西格玛(希腊字母σ)在统计学中用来表示杯准偏差(均方差)。作为一种测量方法,西格玛用来确定一个公司或者一个项到底出了多少差错,无论这个公司是从事哪种行业的。根据六西格玛的方法,错误次数越少,质量等级越高,一西格玛表示有68%的产品合格、三西格玛表示合格率上升到93.3%,到六西格玛合格率达到99.99966%,每百万次操作缺陷数只有3.4个。
A defect of 1% means that 20,000 parcels are lost per hour, 5,000 surgical errors per week, 4-5 accidents occur daily in large airports and 200,000 prescriptions are misbalanced each year ... Based on these astonishing statistics, Is there anyone who is complacent about doing 99%? Sigma (Greek letter σ) is used in statistics to express the cup’s misalignment (mean square error). As a measurement, Sigma is used to determine how many errors a company or an item came through, regardless of the industry in which the company is engaged. According to the Six Sigma method, the fewer mistakes and the higher the quality level, one sigma shows that 68% of the products pass the test, the three sigma shows the pass rate to 93.3% and the six sigma pass rate of 99.99966%. The number of defects per million operations Only 3.4.