抗战期间,共产党发动、组织和武装民众形成的众多抗日根据地,不仅破坏了日本“以战养战”的目的 ,更是通过平型关大捷、雁门关伏击战、夜袭阳明堡机场、黄土岭战斗、百团大战等战役的胜利,钳住了近60%的日本陆军军力。其中,八路军、新四军与日军在华北
During the war of resistance against Japan, the numerous anti-Japanese bases formed by the Communist Party in mobilizing, organizing and arming the people not only destroyed Japan’s purpose of “fighting war with war,” but also achieved peace through plane-type clearance, ambushes at Yanmen Gate, night attacks at Yangmingpu Airport, Fighting, Hundred Regiments Campaign and other battle victory, clamping nearly 60% of the Japanese army. Among them, the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army and the Japanese army are in North China