Describes a new species of Hapalodectes genus found in the soft-diet foraging of the mid-mammals in the early Neocene period of the Soviet Union, Inner Mongolia. This is the first discovery of the soft-shelled beast in the Paleozoic strata in China and is also the second soft-shelled animal in the Gesha head period in Asia. Available systematic and biostratigraphic evidence supports the notion of Asian origin in the genus Hapalodectidae in soft foods. The soft-shelled beast has apparently spread to the North American continent through the Bering Land Bridge during the Pliocene-Eocene Extreme Event (PETM), and thus conforms to the biogeographical pattern in the “Oriental Garden of Eden” doctrine. The limited distribution of soft beasts (ie non-European) allows us to reconstruct the history of biogeography. As with the soft-shelled beast, the “Oriental Garden of Eden” pattern of diffusion can be viewed as a mechanism of biogeographical proliferation that leads to similar systems of genetics and biogeography distribution across multiple branches due to large environmental change events. Strict examination of the so-called case of mammal spread between continents on or near the Pliocene-Eocene line contradicting the “Oriental Garden of Eden” has found these examples to be unreliable. “Oriental Garden of Eden ” biogeography theory fully explained the evolution of mammals during the PETM period and the genesis of the geographical distribution pattern of the mammals in the Laurasian.