Fair Value and Measurement
Chris Thorne
Although in 1 IAS16 there is clearly a similarity between the fair value of its asset and the Market Value of an asset, this is not always the case. Fair value is a concept that is used throughout the Accounting Standards. Although both are superficially similar, as they refer to the price obtainable in an exchange, Market Value is a specific application of this concept to fixed assets. The relatively brief definition of Market Value is supported by a detailed conceptual framework and its application in specific circumstance is codified in established professional valuation standards such as 2 IVS, 3 USPAP and the 4 Red Book. Fair value is a generic term that lacks a similar guidance framework for its application.
5IASB acknowledges that fair value is not applied consistently throughout its own standards and could mean different things in different contexts. It announced a project in 2003 to look at the whole principle of measurement in accounts, which is being led by the Accounting Standards Board of Canada.
Concurrently, the Unite States standards setter, 6 FASB, is also looking closely at greater use of fair value measurement in accounts and has its own “Fair Value Project”. One of the early FASB papers recognized that the fair value of an asset could differ depending upon whether one adopted a going concern or “in use”valuation premise or an “in exchange”valuation premise.
In order to try and move this debate forward, 7 IVSC published its own position paper early this year that suggested that the way forward would be to look at the concept of “continuing use value” a specific adaptation of Market Value on the consumption that the asset was exchanged as part of a sale of the enterprise of which it formed part as a going concern. Although some constructive responses were received, it was clear that it was premature to go down this route. The IASB project team has suggested that the way forward is to perhaps focus on the “unit of account” Indeed, this also seems to be a concept also being followed by FASB in its latest draft issued in June 2004. This recognizes that before assessing the value of any asset, there is a need to define the boundary of what is being measured and the degree to which it is to be aggregated or disaggregated from other assets.
The debate is continuing and RICS and other valuation bodies around the world are actively engaging with IASB and FASB to try and ensure that not only do they appreciate some of the practical difficulties created by the current uncertainty in the standards, but also that there is a significant resource of valuation expertise that can assist in finding workable solutions that can then be delivered with a consistency and certainty that may be missing at present.
1. International Accounting Standards:国际会计准则
2 .International Valuation Standards:国际评估准则
3. Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice:专业评估执业统一准则
4. Red Book:英国评估师手册,因其封面呈红色,简称红皮书
5. International Accounting Standards Board:国际会计准则委员会
6. Financial Accounting Standards Board:美国财务会计准则委员会
7. International Valuation Standards Committee:国际评估准则委员会
Fair Value and Measurement
Chris Thorne
Although in 1 IAS16 there is clearly a similarity between the fair value of its asset and the Market Value of an asset, this is not always the case. Fair value is a concept that is used throughout the Accounting Standards. Although both are superficially similar, as they refer to the price obtainable in an exchange, Market Value is a specific application of this concept to fixed assets. The relatively brief definition of Market Value is supported by a detailed conceptual framework and its application in specific circumstance is codified in established professional valuation standards such as 2 IVS, 3 USPAP and the 4 Red Book. Fair value is a generic term that lacks a similar guidance framework for its application.
5IASB acknowledges that fair value is not applied consistently throughout its own standards and could mean different things in different contexts. It announced a project in 2003 to look at the whole principle of measurement in accounts, which is being led by the Accounting Standards Board of Canada.
Concurrently, the Unite States standards setter, 6 FASB, is also looking closely at greater use of fair value measurement in accounts and has its own “Fair Value Project”. One of the early FASB papers recognized that the fair value of an asset could differ depending upon whether one adopted a going concern or “in use”valuation premise or an “in exchange”valuation premise.
In order to try and move this debate forward, 7 IVSC published its own position paper early this year that suggested that the way forward would be to look at the concept of “continuing use value” a specific adaptation of Market Value on the consumption that the asset was exchanged as part of a sale of the enterprise of which it formed part as a going concern. Although some constructive responses were received, it was clear that it was premature to go down this route. The IASB project team has suggested that the way forward is to perhaps focus on the “unit of account” Indeed, this also seems to be a concept also being followed by FASB in its latest draft issued in June 2004. This recognizes that before assessing the value of any asset, there is a need to define the boundary of what is being measured and the degree to which it is to be aggregated or disaggregated from other assets.
The debate is continuing and RICS and other valuation bodies around the world are actively engaging with IASB and FASB to try and ensure that not only do they appreciate some of the practical difficulties created by the current uncertainty in the standards, but also that there is a significant resource of valuation expertise that can assist in finding workable solutions that can then be delivered with a consistency and certainty that may be missing at present.
1. International Accounting Standards:国际会计准则
2 .International Valuation Standards:国际评估准则
3. Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice:专业评估执业统一准则
4. Red Book:英国评估师手册,因其封面呈红色,简称红皮书
5. International Accounting Standards Board:国际会计准则委员会
6. Financial Accounting Standards Board:美国财务会计准则委员会
7. International Valuation Standards Committee:国际评估准则委员会