人类对宇宙不懈探索的航天史上,20世纪60年代至70年代由美国实施的阿波罗登月计划无疑是其中壮丽的一笔。这次登月活动从1961年5月25日美国总统肯尼迪正式宣布实施开始,一直持续到1972年12月底阿波罗计划结束,历时11年,总投资250亿美元,先后有120所高校、20 000多家工厂、400多万人参与了这项活动,可以说是整个航天史上历时最长,规模最大,投资最多,也最富传奇性的一次太空探险行动。但是从这次计划的初始目的和功用价值来说,并无太多的可圈可点之处。
Aerospace in the unremitting exploration of the universe by mankind In fact, the Apollo mission to the moon by the United States from the 1960s to the 1970s is undoubtedly a magnificent sum. The lunar January 2561 1961 U.S. President Kennedy officially announced the start of implementation until the end of December 1972 Apollo ended, which lasted 11 years with a total investment of 25 billion U.S. dollars, there were 120 colleges and universities, 20,000 More than 4 million factories participated in this event, arguably the longest, the largest, the most invested and the most legendary space exploration operation in space history. However, there is not much that can be done in terms of the initial purpose and value of the project.