★目前全球有11亿人吸烟,在发展中国家,特别是西太区吸烟人数一直呈上升趋势,烟草危害已成为世界性的公共卫生问题。 ★有证据表明,每年因吸烟死亡的人数估计约为500万。在今后25年的时间里,这一数字将增加到每年1000万,其中有700万例死亡发生在发展中国家。 ★烟草相关死亡目前已占全球死因构成的第一位,2025年其死亡总数将超过肺结核、疟疾、生产和围产期并发症及艾滋病的总和。 ★中国是世界上烟草生产和消费第一大国,目前约有3.5亿吸烟者,并且还在以每年300万人的速度增长。特别值得关注的是,近年来吸烟低龄化趋势日益突出。
★ At present, there are 1.1 billion people worldwide who smoke. The number of smokers in developing countries, especially the Western Pacific Region, has been on the rise. Tobacco harm has become a worldwide public health issue. ★ There is evidence that the number of deaths from smoking each year is estimated to be about 5 million. In the next 25 years, this figure will increase to 10 million annually, of which 7 million deaths occur in developing countries. ★ Tobacco-related deaths now account for the highest number of deaths worldwide and their total number of deaths in 2025 will exceed the sum of tuberculosis, malaria, birth and perinatal complications and AIDS. ★ China is the world’s largest tobacco producer and consumer and currently has about 350 million smokers and is still growing at a rate of 3 million annually. Of particular concern is that the trend of younger age of smoking has become increasingly prominent in recent years.