患者女,41岁。于1987年11月12日晚无任何诱因右耳听力突然丧失,正常语言听不清,伴高调耳鸣,耳鸣声有时如击鼓声,有时似收音机嗡叫声,伴头晕、恶心及呕吐。发病次日经医院确诊为“右耳突发性耳聋”,服用血管扩张药及维生素 B 族等药物治疗不见好转。于发病第5天来我院开始体外反搏治疗。患者既往有高血压病史12年,常服降压药。查体:血压150/100,心肺(-),正常心电图。电测听检查:右
Female patient, 41 years old. On the night of November 12, 1987, there was no cause for a sudden loss of hearing in the right ear. The normal language was not clear. With high-pitched tinnitus, tinnitus was sometimes drumming, sometimes like radio buzzing, with dizziness, nausea and vomiting. The next day after the hospital diagnosed as “right ear sudden deafness”, taking vasodilators and vitamin B family and other drug treatment did not improve. In the first 5 days of onset to our hospital to start counterpulsation treatment. Patients with previous history of hypertension for 12 years, often taking antihypertensive drugs. Physical examination: blood pressure 150/100, cardiopulmonary (-), normal ECG. Electric audiometry check: right