约量时间词不是一个词类概念 ,但具有共同的语义特征 ,即表示的时间段的限量范围比较模糊 ,表义上具有客观视点和主观视点的二重性。由于语义上的模糊性 ,导致了它与确量时间词在句法组合上的诸多区别以及句型构造方面的特征 ;约量时间词的言长言短与句子预设之间的配合关系决定了句子是采用肯定形式还是否定形式 ,同时使句子带上了关于时间量大小的小夸张意味。本文最后讨论几个典型的兼表约量时间和确量时间的时间词。
The approximate amount of time word is not a concept of part of speech, but has the same semantic characteristics, that is, the limited range of time period is ambiguous, which has the duality of objective point of view and subjective point of view. Due to the semantic fuzziness, it leads to many differences between the syntactic combination of it and the definite time word and the features of the sentence structure. The cooperation between the long and short sentences of the time quantum and the sentence presupposition determines Sentences are positive or negative form, while making the sentence on the amount of time on the size of the small exaggeration means. This article concludes with a discussion of several typical time terms that are both approximate and exact.