随着人们生活水平的提高,膳食结构也发生了并非合理的变化,尤其是饮食西化、脂肪摄入增加、蔬菜摄入不足、体力活动减少,以致肥胖发生率逐年增高。上海市香山医院与上海医科大学营养与食品卫生教研室对上海13 988人进行了调查,发现成年男性肥胖的发生率为15%,女性为10.68%;儿童青少年中,男
With the improvement of people’s living standards, the dietary structure has not been changed reasonably. Especially the westernization of diet, the increase of fat intake, the insufficient intake of vegetables and the decrease of physical activity, the incidence of obesity is increasing year by year. Shanghai Fragrant Hill Hospital and Shanghai Medical University Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene conducted a survey of 13 988 people in Shanghai and found that the incidence of adult male obesity was 15% and that of females was 10.68%; in male and female, male