LH-RH is a peptide hormone released by the hypothalamus. Its main physiological function is to stimulate the pituitary gland synthesis and secretion of gonadotropins through the pituitary portal system, play an important role in the maintenance of sexual function. However, Corbin et al found that high doses of LH-RH or LH-BH-A significantly inhibited reproductive function. Pregnant rats were injected with 1 mg LH-RH daily for 7 days (D_1-D_7) % Of the animals tested terminated their pregnancy. Lin further confirmed the above experimental results. The work of Liu Yixun et al also proved that pregnant rats were injected with 200 μg of LH-RH-A daily for 3 days (D_3-D_5), and 18 animals were terminated. Therefore, high doses of LH-RH or analogs reproduce