
来源 :复旦学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boluoqb
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《亚东时报》作为戊戌庚子时期日本人在上海创办的中文报纸,追踪和反映了大量时事,一些重要事件的当事人如唐才常、章太炎并曾介入报务,故于中国近代史研究有相当重要的价值。通过中日两方面文献比勘互证,考订与廓清创办史实,除有助于了解这一近代政论性报刊的运作,对理解民间层面中日交往的性质亦多有裨益。《亚东时报》原作为乙未会机关杂志在沪发行,其主要资助人是大东汽船会社社长白岩龙平,后转化为同文会的海外机关报。其主笔山根立庵不仅是报人,也是汉文学家,应白岩龙平之邀来华办报,与他本人所抱文学理想及在日境遇“不顺”有关。从撰稿、编辑到发行,《亚东时报》的基本业务几乎由山根立庵一手包办;同时凭借发表在该报的诗文,他得以广交文友,为中国文坛所推重。唐才常中途参与《亚东时报》编务,并从第7号开始主持了改版,但介入报务时间并不长,与白岩龙平、宗方小太郎在政治观念上亦有所分歧,所谓“主编”一说并不确实。东亚同文会成立后,在沪发行《同文沪报》,其言论路线与《亚东时报》不尽合,后两报发生组织人事合并,山根立庵退出,《亚东时报》随即停刊。 As the Chinese newspaper founded by the Japanese in Shanghai during the Hundred and Xu days, the Yadong Times tracked and reflected a great deal of current affairs. Some important parties such as Tang Caichang and Zhang Taiyan, who had been involved in the newspaper business, were quite important in the study of modern Chinese history value. Through the comparison of evidences between both China and Japan, it is of great help to understand the nature of the interaction between China and Japan at the private level, besides helping to understand the operation of this modern political press. The “East Asia Times” was originally issued as a magazine of B Party Undertaking in Shanghai. Its main sponsor was Bai Yan Long Ping, president of Dadong Steamboat Club, which was later transformed into an overseas organ of Tong Wenhui. Its chief editor, Shan Gen Li Um, is not only a newspaper reporter, but also a Chinese-language researcher. At the invitation of Bai Yan Long Ping, he came to China to handle the newspaper, which is related to the ideal of literature held by him and his situation in Japan. From writing, editing and distribution, the basic business of the “East Asia Times” was arranged almost exclusively by Yasuhiro Yamamoto. At the same time, with his poems published in the newspaper, he was able to make friends with him and lay emphasis on the Chinese literary world. Tang Caichang halfway participation in the “East Asia Times” editing services, and from the beginning of the 7th presided over the revision, but the time involved in the newspaper is not long, and Bai Yanlongping, Zong Fang Taro also have different political concepts, the so-called One said is not true. After the establishment of the Tongwen Association in East Asia, the same-language newspaper Shanghai was issued in Shanghai. Its remarks did not match with the “East Asian Times,” the merger of personnel and personnel in the latter two newspapers and the withdrawal of Yasunari Yasuhito, and the publication of the Yadong Times.
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[摘 要] 根据兰坪县水产养殖业的现状和存在的问题,分析兰坪县水产养殖业的有利条件和因素。提出从政府引导,加强渔业养殖技术培训,以科技手段促进养殖业的发展,提高养殖户的经济收入。本人将以兰坪县水产养殖业的发展,对兰坪县水产养殖业进行探讨。  [关键词] 发展 渔业 经济 措施  [中图分类号] S932 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1003-1650 (2015)09-0281-01  1
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