中国现阶段的反腐斗争,存在着这样一种令人困惑的矛昏现象;一方面,无论是党和政府所花费的精力和采取的措施,还是每年惩处腐败分子的数量,都 说明反腐败工作的力度是不小的,所取得的成效也是相当大的。但是,另一方面,人们从各个不同层面所体会和感受到社会消极腐败现象,却有一种腐败越来越严重感觉。中国的腐败真的越反越多吗?产生这种现象的根本原因是什么?这种现象还会持续多久?反腐败斗争将呈现怎样的发展趋势?它的前景到底如何?
At this stage of the anti-corruption struggle in China, there exists such a puzzling and dazed phenomenon. On the one hand, both the efforts and measures taken by the party and the government and the number of corrupt elements punished each year mean that anti-corruption work The intensity is not small, the results achieved are quite large. However, on the other hand, people experience and feel the negative social corruption at different levels, but there is a feeling of corruption becoming more and more serious. What is the root cause of this phenomenon? How long will this phenomenon last? What kind of development trend will be presented in the anti-corruption struggle? And what is the future of the anti-corruption struggle?