1.1土壤管理深翻、压绿肥。深翻的深度一般为20~80 cm。绿肥以木樨、紫穗槐为好,也可就地取材,利用荆条等绿色植物做肥源。1.2施肥1.2.1追肥苹果生长中后期追肥以磷、钾肥为主,8月中旬开始喷0.3%~0.5%磷酸二氢钾,半月喷一次,连喷2~3次,以促进枝条停长。7-9月每月喷一次300~500倍氨基酸钙或氨基酸复合微肥,采收前4周每周喷一次氨基酸钙液体肥,防止苦痘病的发生。采收前40 d
1.1 soil management deep turn, pressure green manure. The depth of deep turning is generally 20 ~ 80 cm. Green manure to clogs, Amorpha fruticosa as well, but also local materials, the use of Vitex and other green plants as fertilizer source. 1.2 fertilizers 1.2.1 Topdressing apple growing late fertilizer to phosphorus and potassium-based, mid-August began to spray 0.3% ~ 0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate, spray once and a half, and even spray 2 or 3 times to promote the growth of branches. 7-9 months a month spray 300 ~ 500 times calcium amino acid or amino acid compound micronutrient, 4 weeks before harvest spray amino acid calcium liquid fertilizer once a week to prevent the occurrence of bitter pit disease. 40 d before harvesting