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1999年12月19日至22日.国家司法部部长高昌礼同志、副部长段正坤同志在江苏省司法厅陆云泉厅长的陪同下考察了江苏司法行政工作,并出席了在苏州召开的苏州监狱荣获“部级现代化文明监狱”称号命名庆功大会。在苏期间,高部长深入到监狱、劳教所、司法局、法律援助中心、“148”法律服务专线电话值班室进行视察。在江苏司法行政机关恢复重建20周年之际,高部长代表司法部党组向江苏全省司法行政干警表示热烈的祝贺和亲切的慰问。高部长充分肯定了江苏司法行政工作所取得的成绩,并作了一系列重要指示,给江苏广大司法行政干警以极大鼓舞。 From December 19 to December 22, 1999, Comrade Gao Changli, Comrade Gao Changli, Minister of the Ministry of Justice, and Vice Minister Duan Zhengkun, accompanied by Director Lu Yunquan of the Department of Justice of Jiangsu Province, inspected the administration of justice in Jiangsu Province and attended the Suzhou Prison held in Suzhou “Ministerial-level civilized prison ” title named celebration conference. During his stay in the Soviet Union, Minister Gao went to prison, labor camps, judicial offices, legal aid centers and the “148 ” legal telephone hotline for inspection. On the 20th anniversary of the restoration and reconstruction of the judicial and administrative organs in Jiangsu Province, the high minister expressed his warm congratulation and cordial condolences to the judicial administrative police officers and officers of Jiangsu province on behalf of the party branch of the Ministry of Justice. The high minister fully affirmed the achievements made by the judicial administration in Jiangsu Province and made a series of important instructions to greatly inspire the broad masses of judicial administrative officers in Jiangsu.
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我们坐在偌大的IMAX厅,眼看龙标来了,心中欢呼,端正身躯,耳边回荡着“浮云散,明月照人来”。电影从一段男人厚重的撒娇旁白开始:“To be or not to be,这么着还是那么着,我们离开北京到了上海……”哦,一下子和《让子弹飞》切割了。《一步之遥》和“张麻子”没毛关系,这是北京“马走日”在上海的传奇。   马走日何许人也?马走日是喜欢装教父的一个男人,自称跟老佛爷交过手。这不是姜文以前演
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一、选择题(6小题,共计48分)  1. 下表选项中,甲、乙、丙三者关系能用右下图表示的是( )  2. 如图,下列叙述正确的是( )  A. 图示的各种成分在生态学上可以构成一个生态系统  B. 图示的绿色植物和各种动物在生态学上可以构成一个生长群落  C. 细菌与蝉之间的关系属于竞争  D. 蛇属于三级消费者  3. 下列有关生态系统能量流动的叙述,正确的是( )  A. 兔子吃了1公斤的草,