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  hinese travelers take more trips than any other demographic, they spend more money than any other group in the world and they have the largest impact on international tourism. They spent US$194 billion in 2015-US$30 billion more than in 2014 - and they accounted for 120 million overseas travelers in 2015, more than any other country in the world. Simply put, Chinese travel isn't slowing down.
  (为了解2016年中国游客出境旅游的趋势和目的地,纽约的咨询公司Resonance Consultancy发布了《2016年中国国际旅游趋势报告》。该报告分析了在中国年轻游客中人气较高的穷游网(Qyer.com,类似于TripAdvisor)上94,000个出行地的120万份点评。穷游网的正面点评,亚洲无疑是中国游客最热门的出行地,其次为欧洲、南亚和北美。然而有趋势显示变化即将来临。
  To help make sense of the future of Chinese international travel and gain insight into where they are traveling in 2016, Resonance Consultancy, New York, published a report, 2016 The Future of Chinese International Travel, which analyzes 1.2 million reviews of 94,000 attractions around the world on Qyer.com - a TripAdvisor-like site popular with young independent Chinese travelers. Asia is predictably the most popular region to visit, according to positive reviews on Qyer.com, followed by Europe, Southeast Asia and North America to round out the top four. But there are already signs of change now.)
  Treading Local Waters
  Resonance Consultancy公司的研究显示,亚洲仍然是中国人毋庸置疑的出行首选地。2014年,大陆游客赴港澳台旅游人数占出境人数的70.4%。如果再加上亚洲其他国家,这一比例将达到近九成。这只是中国人境外旅游的开端,随着旅游经历日渐丰富,中国游客将越过大洋,投入欧洲的怀抱。   Hong Kong welcomed 47 million mainland Chinese visitors in 2014, more than six times Hong Kong's own population. Canceling the sales tax and Hong Kong's reputation for selling authentic goods helps explain why so many Chinese have visited Hong Kong over the past two years. But based on a report by the top Chinese brokerage and investment group CLSA, the projections for future travel to Hong Kong is not good.
  Inbound Chinese tourist numbers to Hong Kong declined dramatically in 2015. A lack of new attractions, capacity constraints, attitudes about mainlanders, and a reduction on import tariffs in China are among the reasons for the slowdown reported by both Hong Kong and Chinese media. Chinese tourists, who account for almost 80% of the tourist flow into Hong Kong, saw a 2% drop between January and November 2015 compared with the 16% to 26% annual growth rates between 2010 and 2014. Meanwhile, Chinese tourists to Australia, Japan and Thailand are increasing.
  Mainland Chinese travelers make up the second-largest source of inbound arrivals in Australia, with more than 1 million arrivals between January-November 2015. This resulted in an increase of 21.6% over the same period in 2014. Chinese tourists spent US$5.2 billion in Australia from September 2014 to September 2015, compared with the US$2.5 billion two years earlier, according to Tourism Australia. China is Australia's most important source of inbound tourism and their consumption is more than double the second most important region, the U.K.
  Chinese tourists visiting Japan in 2015 doubled over 2014, from 2.4 million to 5 million; The CLSA predicts the number will double again by 2020 to 11.4 million. The Wall Street Journal listed Japan as the destination most preferred by Chinese tourists in 2015, and out of the more than 4,300 respondents to a TravelZoo Asia Pacific survey, nearly 40% listed Japan as their most sought after global destination.
  The weaker yen has helped attract Chinese visitors to Japan, and changes to visa regulations by the Japanese government also plays a critical role. A January 2015 policy change now allows high-income Chinese visitors multiple-entry visas. These visas are valid for up to five years, instead of three years, under the previous rule. Australia has also seen similar visa policy concessions and growth in airline-seating capacity.
  In Thailand, the number of Chinese tourists has increased at an annual rate of 47.7% over the past five years; the growth rate of non-Chinese tourists during the same period is a mere 7.6%.   As Resonance's report shows, Asian countries remain a preference in the Chinese market. In 2014, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan accounted for 70.4% of the outbound tourists. By adding the rest of Asia, the figure jumps to nearly 90%. Chinese travelers have yet to really scratch the surface of international travel, but as they acquire more travel experience, they will go further beyond local waters – straight into Europe's arms.
  The French Connection
  Resonance Consultancy公司的数据还显示,法国在中国游客旅游目的地中排在第三等级,共收到40,316条正面点评。据《中国游客境外旅游调查报告》显示,法国是2015年中国游客境外旅游愿望清单中排名第一的欧洲国家,也是最受中国人欢迎的欧洲国家。
  France is the third ranking global destination among Chinese travelers, with 40,316 positive reviews, according to Resonance's report. France was the highest-ranking European country on Chinese travelers' wish list in 2015, and it is also considered the most popular European nation among them, according to the Chinese International Travel Monitor.
  But France offers more than just opportunities for selfies in front of the Eiffel Tower; it also offers a more convenient visa appliation procedure. In January 2014 the visa application procedure for Chinese tourists was reduced from 12 days to two days. During the first quarter of 2015 the French government issued 56% more visas to Chinese nationals, resulting in a 50% increase in Chinese visitors to France year over year. France has also begun to offer 48-hour express visas for Chinese nationals in early 2015, allowing multiple entries valid for up to five years.
  France has set up visa centers in 15 Chinese cities that do not have embassies or consulates for EU nations in order to assist Chinese in applying for visas within the Chinese mainland. These policies and advancements - including a new internship program aimed at increasing the number of Chinese students in France from 30,000 to 50,000 - is one of the reasons why so many Chinese desire to visit the cultural capital of Europe.
  And it is not the only European nation welcoming Chinese tourists, according to Forbes. Spain and Norway attracted more than 60% more visitors year over year during the first three quarters of 2015; Croatia had 56% more, Austria 49% more and Finland 44% more than the previous year. While Asia is still the leading region for Chinese travelers, and other countries and regions are trying to attract more Chinese tourists in 2016 and beyond.
  It is Hotel Elite's opinion that Chinese travellers are flocking in foreign tourist destinations, and that in-depth and high-end personalised travel will certainly be the next big trend. )
4月15日,新加坡,葡萄酒和烈酒世界系列商展ProWein旗下最新成员—— ProWine ASIA 2016,在国际参展商的众口赞誉声中完满结束。各大参展商咸认此次参与取得不少优质订单,还和东南亚以至其他区域业者建立联系,有望借此携手开创一片天,确实收获匪浅,意义深远。  本届商展汇集多国精选优质葡萄酒和烈酒,并特设澳洲、奥地利、智利、意大利、法国等多个拥有悠久酿酒历史和文化的产酒国产品展区。参
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2016年4月,新加坡滨海湾金沙购物商城与风华杂志合作举办了首届儿童时装秀,商城的溜冰场摇身一变,成了儿童主题花园。此次儿童时装秀以“Little Luxury Stars”(奢侈品牌小明星)为名,为370多名参观贵客呈献了一系列丰富有趣的儿童时装秀活动,其中就包括由Armani Junior、Bonpoint、CH Carolina Herrera、Hackett、Kids 21、Nichola
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日益成熟的传感技术、迅速发展的移动互联和全面普及的宽带网络,正在给转型中的中国和众多传统行业带来一系列的冲击和变革。全球领先的多元化高科技制造企业霍尼韦尔(纽交所代码:HON)日前在京举办“万物互联、至联致远”主题活动,首次集中展示了公司在建筑、工业、交通等领域的互联解决方案及应用案例。  霍尼韦尔中国总裁兼首席执行官盛伟立先生表示:“随着传感技术、移动互联和宽带网络的普及,‘万物互联’是大势所趋
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