(一) 喜欢耀眼的红色吗?我爱红,妈妈说刚刚会爬的我,就晓得去捕捉煤油灯那跳动的火苗,小手烫疼了,哇哇几声, 可挂着泪珠儿又向那点火花伸出手……小娃娃时,我的眼睛转向别人的红衣裳,进了小学,喜欢起哥哥姐姐脖子上的红领巾,长大了,对燃烧的火焰产生了抑制不住的钟情。火红的标志,热情的象征,炽热、旺盛、升腾,像我的心,更像我的性格,燃烧、迸射、照亮,我知道这叫贡献。虽然牺牲了自身,带给世界的却是光,是热,是生命。我爱火,我要燃烧。
(1) Do you like dazzling red colors? I love red, and my mother said that I would just climb and I knew that I would catch the kerosene lamp’s beating flame, and my little hand burned. I woke up a few times and I could hang tears and go to that point again. Sparks reached out... Little Doll, my eyes turned to other people’s red clothes, went to elementary school, liked the red scarf on the neck of my brother and sister, grew up, and I couldn’t stop burning flames. The symbol of fiery, the symbol of enthusiasm, burning, exuberant, ascending, like my heart, is more like my character, burning, shooting, illuminating, I know this is called contribution. Although it sacrificed itself, the light brought to the world is heat and life. I love fire, I want to burn.