移挂柑桔粉虱座壳孢菌(Aschersonia aleyrodis Webber)防治柑桔粉虱(Dialeurodes citri Ashmoad)和寡刺长粉虱(Bemisia giffardi Young),方法简便且防效高。挂枝一次,该菌即可定居柑桔国内,其感染率平均为75.46%,流行高峰期达90%以上;挂枝8个月后,柑桔园中有74%植株上的柑桔粉虱感病。粉虱座壳孢菌全年有两个流行高峰期:4~6月份和8~11月份。其疾病流行期为4~12月份。高湿和降雨为流行的必要条件,气温15℃以上对流行影响不大。因此,柑桔园中移挂粉虱座壳孢菌,以柑桔粉虱第一代若虫发生高峰期前10~14天较为适宜。本菌在室温28℃条件下,潜育期9~14天,田间潜育期一般为10~15天。分生孢子在23~28℃时萌发较好,最适温度为27℃;15℃以下或33℃以上,对孢子萌发有不良影响;0℃则不萌发。常用杀菌剂对孢子萌发有抑制作用。
Controlling Aschersonia aleyrodis Webber against Dialeurodes citri Ashmoad and Bemisia giffardi Young is simple and effective. Hanging branches once, the bacteria can settle in citrus domestic, the average infection rate was 75.46%, the peak of epidemic reached more than 90%; hanging branches 8 months later, Citrus Park, 74% of the plants on the citrus whitefly Sick Whitefly Aspergillosis has two epidemic peaks throughout the year: April to June and August to November. Its disease prevalence for the 4 ~ December. High humidity and rainfall are prerequisites for the epidemic, the temperature above 15 ℃ has little effect on the epidemic. Therefore, citrus orchards transferred Bemisia tabaci, to citrus whitefly the first generation of nymphs occurred before the peak 10 to 14 days is more appropriate. The bacteria at room temperature 28 ℃ conditions, the incubation period of 9 to 14 days, the field incubation period is generally 10 to 15 days. Conidia germination at 23 ~ 28 ℃ better, the optimum temperature is 27 ℃; below 15 ℃ or above 33 ℃, on spore germination adverse effects; 0 ℃ does not germination. Common fungicides have inhibitory effect on spore germination.