西瓜能消暑解渴,是人们防暑降温的美味佳果。然而往年一些地方却遇到了有毒西瓜。 那么,为什么西瓜会有毒?它的毒性又是从何而来呢?毒性来自瓜农施用过量的激素和剧毒农药。由于受经济利益的驱使,少数瓜农为使西瓜个大能多卖钱,就超标准、超剂量地使用各种催熟剂和膨大剂,这些药物中含有雌激素,它们会进入西瓜的果肉当中,人食后,就会出现呕吐、腹泻等症状;即使不出现症状,经常食用这类西瓜,由于其中的雌激素的作
Watermelon can quench their thirst, is the people of summer cooling good delicious fruit. However, some places in previous years have encountered toxic watermelons. So, why watermelon will be toxic? Its toxicity is come from? Toxicity from melon farmers use excessive hormones and highly toxic pesticides. Driven by economic interests, a small number of melon farmers use a variety of ripening and swelling agents over standard and overdosage to make watermelon a great deal for them to sell their money. These drugs contain estrogen, which enters the flesh of watermelons , After eating, there will be vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms; even if no symptoms, regular consumption of such watermelon, as one of the estrogen for