美国业内人士称,过去19年中,强化地板主要在住房翻新改造中采用,现在在新建住房和商用建筑市场上迅速走热,扩展最快的市场是住房建筑。强化地板市场走热的动力是近来因需求上升导致的木材涨价。最近6个月,木材价格上涨了20%。世界各地都在利用美国阔叶材,其价格不断上涨,给强化地板创造了商机。在建筑市场中,强化地板的走热不仅限于新住房的开发,而且渗透到了定制房和高层人士住房市场。强化地板进入了考究的娱乐室和精致装修的有吧台和娱乐系统的地下室。如果家里有宠物,表面很硬的强化地板就更具优势了。强化地板的一个局限性是每30 ft须设置
According to insiders in the United States, in the past 19 years, laminate flooring was mainly used in housing renovation and renovation. Nowadays, the market for new housing and commercial buildings is rapidly getting hot and the market with the fastest expansion is housing construction. Strengthening the floor market to go hot is the recent increase in demand due to timber prices. In the last 6 months, timber prices have risen by 20%. United States hardwoods are being used around the world and their prices have risen, creating business opportunities for laminate flooring. In the construction market, strengthening the floor to go hot is not limited to the development of new housing, but also infiltrated the custom room and high-rise housing market. Strengthen the floor into the elegant entertainment room and exquisite decoration of the bar and entertainment system basement. If you have pets at home, the hard surface of the laminate floor is even more advantageous. One limitation of laminate flooring is that it must be set every 30 ft