北京巨山机电设备厂厂长李山凭着他作为一个优秀企业家特有的胆识,使这个不足百余人的小厂在改革的浪潮中,经受住了急流险滩的考验。 1989年春,刚上任的李山厂长面临着拖欠银行贷款十几万、开工不足、发不出工资等困难。李山十分清楚,工厂的出路在于彻底摆脱当时生产锅炉配件的被动局面,尽快生产出有自己特色的产品来。但工厂本身条件所限,当时只能生产锅炉,别无选择。李山作出生产锅炉这一决定后,如同平静的湖水投进了石头,在全
Li Shan, director of Beijing Jushan Electromechanical Equipment Factory, with his unique courage as an outstanding entrepreneur, has made this small factory of less than a hundred people withstand the trials of rapids in the wave of reform. In the spring of 1989, the newly appointed director of Li Shan faced difficulties in defaulting on bank loans of more than 100,000, underemployment, and failure to pay wages. Li Shan is very clear that the way out of the factory is to completely get rid of the passive situation of producing boiler fittings at that time and produce products with its own characteristics as soon as possible. However, the conditions of the factory itself were limited. At that time, only boilers could be produced and there was no choice. After Li Shan made the decision to produce boilers, he cast stones like a calm lake, in full