庖丁解牛(上) 显卡结构看个明白

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显卡是大家对显示适配器的通俗叫法。从过去的仅仅用来成像,绘制2D图形,到如今已经初步迈向展示“电影级”的3D效果,从功能单一的“小卡”到家庭媒体中心的最关键部分,可见显卡已经成为传统“三大件”外又一重要部件。下图便是最先进的ATiX1800XT显卡。介绍一下显卡的组成,正中间印有ATi字样的芯片便是显示核心,由于是高端显卡,功能非常丰富,性能异常强劲,所以集成度也很高,我们可以从核心大小看出来,即使使用了0.09微米工艺,3.2亿晶体管把核心撑得很大。围绕着核心半圈的8个长方形的芯片便是显存芯片,X1800XT采用了速度最快的1.26纳秒显存,采用FBGA封装。在显存右边那一大堆贴片元件以及6pin的外接电源接口构成了供电电路,电容全部采用无极性电容,比很多玩家推崇的钽电容更加昂贵。 The video card is a popular name for display adapters. From the past, just used to image, draw 2D graphics, and now has begun to showcase the “movie-grade” 3D effects, from the single function of the “small card” to the most critical part of the home media center, visible graphics has become the traditional “ Three big ”outside another important part. The following figure is the most advanced ATiX1800XT graphics. Introduction to the composition of the video card, ATi is printed in the middle of the chip is the core of the display, because it is a high-end graphics card, features very rich, exceptionally strong performance, so the integration is also very high, we can see from the core size, 0.09 micron process, 320 million transistors to support the core is very large. Around the core half a circle of eight rectangular chips is the memory chip, X1800XT uses the fastest 1.26 nanoseconds of memory, using FBGA package. In the video memory on the right that a lot of patch components and 6pin external power supply interface constitutes a power supply circuit, all the capacitors using non-polar capacitors, tantalum capacitors are more expensive than many players respected.
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