《中国韵文学刊》常务编委,著名古典文学专家、诗人、湘潭大学教授吕永先生不幸于 2005年 3月逝世,享年 74岁。武汉大学中文系 871班学友挽联当年武珞观花,东湖击浪,犹记斯人诗韵美;今日四方闻耗,南北惊魂,伤心此刻泪痕多。武汉大学中文系校友挽联春雨连绵,高天共洒伤心泪;寒风
Mr. Lu Yong, executive editor of China Yun Wen Magazine, famous classical expert and poet, professor of Xiangtan University, unfortunately, died in March 2005 at the age of 74. Wuhan University Department of Chinese 871 classmate elegiac couplet that year Wu Luo Guanghua, East Lake hit the waves, still remember Si Shi Yunmei beauty; smell today, the Quartet, North and South, the sad tears at the moment. Wuhan University, Department of Chinese alumni Spring couplets, high sprinkle tears; cold wind