天下大势,浩浩荡荡,顺之者昌。 改革开放20年来,意识形态领域与经济领域在发展上的不平衡日益凸显。小平说,发展是硬道理。这个发展,说的是发展市场经济,不是发展计划经济。小平又说,两手抓,两手都要硬。离开了市场,恐怕哪一只手都硬不起来。所以归根结底,市场是硬道理。有市场在,就有阵地在,丢掉了市场,也就丢掉了阵地,这是市场与阵地的辩证法。是不是真正解放思想,与时俱进,对市场的认识是一把尺子。是不是真正守住了阵地,要看是不是真正掌握了市场。 今所谓传媒业大势者,市场也。如何顺应国家民族复兴大势,祛除计划经济痼疾,融入市场经济洪流,理念更新,制度转型,机制再造,在市场竞争中发展壮大,真正担负起媒体责任,是中国传媒业的
The general trend of the world, the mighty, along Chang. In the two decades since the reform and opening up, the development imbalance between the ideological field and the economic field has become increasingly prominent. Xiaoping said development is the last word. This development means that developing a market economy is not about developing a planned economy. Xiaoping added that with both hands, both hands should be hard. Leaving the market, I am afraid which hand are hard to up. So in the final analysis, the market is the last word. With the market in place, there is a position where the market is lost and the position lost. This is the dialectic of the market and the position. Is not really emancipating the mind, advancing with the times, understanding of the market is a ruler. Is not really hold the position, depends on is not really mastered the market. Today the so-called media industry trendsetters, the market also. How to comply with the general trend of national rejuvenation, eliminate the chronic diseases of the planned economy, integrate into the torrent of market economy, update concepts, reform the system, reengineer the mechanism and develop and grow in market competition.