A new model of corporate DNA

来源 :Ecological Economy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cynosure
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This paper has researched on six kinds of the corporate DNA models, which have set up and analyzed its limitations, regarded the corporation as a vital organism, and put forward the judging standard for corporate DNA by analogism. According to the standard, the components of the corporate DNA are judged and a new model has been established. The corporate DNA is composed of four DNA chains, which overlap and intercross in the model. Based on the new model, the concept of the corporate central dogma is put forward. The element and information transmission way of corporate information are discussed in the corporate central dogma. This paper has researched on six kinds of the corporate DNA models, which have set up and analyzed its limitations, regarded the corporation as a vital organism, and put forward the judging standard for corporate DNA by analogism. According to the standard, the components of the corporate DNA is judged and a new model has been established. The corporate DNA is composed of four DNA chains, which overlap and intercross in the model. Based on the new model, the concept of the corporate central dogma is put forward. The element and information transmission way of corporate information are discussed in the corporate central dogma.
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