Factors of Politeness and Indirect Speech Acts

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mainonewf
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  【Abstract】Polite principle is influenced deeply by a nation’s history,culture,custom and so on,therefor different countries have different understandings and expressions of politeness and indirect speech acts.This paper shows some main factors influencing a polite speech.Through this article,readers can comprehensively know about politeness and indirect speech acts.
  【Key words】polite principles; indirect acts; factors
  Firstly,I will list some factors of politeness:information and receiver,situation,tone and deixis.
  We know that one language is influenced by it’s traditional habits,so in terms of polite greeting,there are many idioms about eating in China:use have you eaten?to greet.For American,people pay more attention to their privacy and always use How are you?or Oh, today is good,right?.Ans Chinese take varieties of actions depending on the degree of a relationship between two people,to intimate relatives,Chinese who think that intimate person are regarded as one group and it’s not necessary to stand on ceremony rarely say thanks,for apologizing,the authoritative person don’t have to apologize to the lower class of people for their mistakes,about bey-bey,one guest always use I am sorry to have troubled you to express his thanks for the host’s service,but this method is thought by American as a way to apologize,so in America,guests say thank you very much to express glorious feelings.Then the degree of politeness changes according to the class of hearers:if inviting a senior management,might we have the pleasure of your company at dinner tomorrow evening?is regarded as a good manner,for giving a help to other people,one of inquiring ways is shall I ...?
  Tone is another factor of politeness.And here are some causes determining choices of tone:topic,receiver and purpose.If a speaker gives a lecture with a topic to listeners and the tone of this speech should be solemn to show respect for hearers.And receivers’ knowledge,interests also determine the tone of a speech.When one body has a wide range of knowledge and has a same interest,then the speaker will be glad to continue a deep talking,at this time the tone of this speak is rising and positive,on the contrary,the tone is going down.Meanwhile depending on the purpose of a speech,a speaker can change his tone:facing a competitor with hostility,one man must pick up a serious attitude to set up his prestige.
  Deixis is the last factor of politeness.吴友富(2004:85) proposes that every language has its own reference:person reference,time reference,place reference,social reference and discourse reference.Here we just talk about the first one,for first person like we,it hints two meanings: we-inclusive-of-addressee and we-exclusive-of -addressee.The former contributes to make the distance between talkers become short.For the latter,there are three usages:to be self-criticism with receivers together;to be abstract indication;to shorten the distance between talkers.For third person,sometimes when inquire something from somebody we use third person,such as Mr. Li,did you read this book?instead of asking directly did you read this book?.About pronouns,杨春红(2005)proposes that the use of pronoun should comply with terms—proximal term and distal term.It is an example,during a company or an organization,for strengthening a friendship or corporation-ship,we can use proximal terms to show a good impression.   Second part is about the factors of indirect acts.Generally speaking,indirect acts are often to use a euphemistic way to express one’s true thinking for avoiding making others awkward,and it is closely referred to the type of writing or speaking and context—language environment.On some newspapers,magazines and books or public speeches,editors usually choose veiled words to report news for avoiding conflicts.A typical example is that American politicians call the action of invading into Iraq as a good act of damaging destructive weapons.Then cultural context is an another important factor.In China,if one people rejects others’ invitations,he will give an uncertain respond to indirectly decline so even though he won’t come at last,the host won’t be angry because the gust doesn’t say certainly.But when American don’t want to attend a party,they will give a direct replay—yes or no.
  To conclude that only if have a good knowledge of factors influencing politeness and indirect speech acts will we successfully express our ideas,especially with China developing rapidly and Chinese power being stronger and stronger partly because of the establishment of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and all cultures in the world mixing together.
  [1]Leech,Geoffrey.Principles of Pragmatics[M].London:Longman, 1983.
  [2]Guy Cook Barbara Seidlhofer.Principles
在课堂改革的大潮中,我经常反思我的每一堂英语棵,既要符合教材本身和孩子的年龄特点,还要激发起孩子学习的兴趣,关键是学生学的轻松,课堂达标率还要高。怎么让学生享受英语呢?根据多年的英语教学经验谈谈几点教学心得。  一、兴趣的培养  兴趣是最好的老师,任何一种学习都必须有积极的态度才能进行下一步认知。多媒体的运用是个不错的做法,通过视频动画让学生直观的了解英语的乐趣所在,在教师声情并茂的讲解中养成学习
【摘要】本文从语言层面以及文化层面分析中医药对外传播过程中的问题,基于叙事的角度指出故事化的叙事对中医药对外传播具有积极的指导意义。  【关键词】中医药 对外传播 叙事  中医药对外传播历史悠久,起源于秦代,伴随着中医药的发展而发,并逐渐地受到了世界的关注。然而,由于语言、文化的差异,中医药对外传播仍然存在一些突出的现实问题。  一、语言层面的问题  在对外传播过程中,语言转换是首要解决的问题。语
【摘要】随着网络技术的迅猛发展,多媒体网络凭借其强大的功能特点,为现代教学方式的变革创造了机遇,尤其在英语学科教学当中将起着不可低估的作用。英语教师必须注重利用网络课堂来引导学生自主、合作和探究的学习方式以适应网络化时代的变革,全面开展以计算机为核心的多媒体网络化教学探索,因此在多媒体网络环境下的高中英语教学策略具有重要的现实意义。  【关键词】多媒体 高中英语 英语教学 策略  随着中国信息化进
一、对隐喻的理解  1.传统意义上的隐喻。什么是隐喻?在人们的传统观念中,往往认为隐喻只是一种修辞现象,它是把一个未知的或是为人们所不熟知的事物形象地比喻成另一个已知的或是熟知的事物,从而使后者更为生动地说明前者。如:  (1)他老婆是一只母老虎。  (2)他老婆是一个泼妇。  对这两句话进行比较,显然例(1)留给我们的印象更为生动。所以隐喻的修辞功能就在于它能使语言表达更加生动、形象,它的形似、
【摘要】当今社会网络高度发达,越来越多的人开始利用网络表达看法,因此也加速了众多网络新词的产生。本文主要探讨英汉网络词语的构词方法以及它们之间的相互影响。  【关键词】网络词语 英语 汉语 构词  一、引言  在信息大爆炸的今天,互联网已经成为人们获取信息、相互交流的重要平台。网络词语作为新的词汇变体应运而生。本文所讨论的是网民在BBS、微博等社交网络上发表意见时所用的词汇,即狭义的网络词语。  
【摘要】英语是目前世界最通用的一种语言,加强英语学习与研究,对未来工作生活有重要意义。对于英语交际中语言表达方式的研究,有利交际过程中的得体化、规范化,从而避免出现话语方向的冲突,以达到促进人类交际、改善人际关系额目的。因此,主要针对英语交际中语言表达方式的原则以及文化背景进行研究。  【关键词】英语交际 语言 表达方式  语言是不同的社会条件与社会背景下产生的,因此每一种语言的表达方式都具有其独
【摘要】语言迁移是一种“跨语言影响”它包括母语对第二语言习得的影响和母语向第二语言的借用。在二语习得过程中,语言迁移不只是语用问题,而且是认知的过程。本文试从对语法课堂教学中学生常见错误分析中,解释语言迁移对英语语法学习的影响,并就如何实现母语正迁移提出可行性措施,以提高学生的语法意识和运用能力。  【关键词】语言负迁移 语法学习 影响 策略  一、引言  语法学习对于培养英语专业学生的语法意识,