贵州省道真自治县人民政府积极支持人武部搞好信息化建设,日前,8万元信息化建设经费已拨付到位。 这个县是典型的山区农业县,经济发展滞后,财政收入十分困难,在这种情况下,县委政府领导始终把国防后备力量建设作为头等大事来抓,对人武部提出的请求总是特事特办。今年3月,人武部根据上级的要求全面拉开了信息化建设的帷幕。根据预算,信息化建设共需资金10万元,由于人武部正在搞建设,经费紧张只能自
Guizhou Province, Daozheng Autonomous County People’s Government actively support the people’s armed forces do a good job of information construction, a few days ago, 80,000 yuan funding for information construction have been allocated. The county is a typical mountain agricultural county, the economic development lags behind, the revenue is very difficult, in this case, the county government leaders always take the national defense reserve forces as the top priority, the request made by the armed forces department is always special do. In March this year, the Ministry of People’s Armed Forces opened the curtain of informatization in an all-round way according to the requirements of its superiors. According to the budget, a total funding of information construction 100,000 yuan, due to the People’s Armed Forces are engaged in construction, funding constraints can only be self