8月19日早晨,接到张雷从牡丹江市打来的电话,话音低沉,嗓子嘶哑,咳嗽声不断,我意识到,张雷病了!这不禁使我回忆起与张雷一起度过的四个日夜…… 8月1日阴有小雨垂钓地:由龙山水库转战开心渔场早晨,妻子告诉我,上海的张雷来过电话找我。8点左右,张雷的电话又到了,我一直在等着他的讯息,欣喜之情难以抑制。张雷携妻子和四平市钓友张明一道从吉林省的四平市出发,长途驱车八百多公里,傍晚才赶到延边朝鲜族自治州首府延吉市。一见面,从前在网上回复帖子时,那个干脆、利落、心直口快、豪气冲天的张雷,此时却连打招呼的力气
On the morning of August 19, I received a phone call from Mudanjiang City by Zhang Lei. His voice was low, his voice hoarse, and his cough continued. I realized that Lei was sick and could not help but remind me of the phone I had with Zhang Lei Four days and nights ... ... August 1 overcast drizzle Fishing: fought by the Longshan Reservoir Fisheries happy morning, my wife told me that Zhang Lei in Shanghai over the phone to find me. About 8 o’clock, Zhang Lei’s call came again, I have been waiting for his message, unpleasant joy unquenchable. Zhang Lei took his wife and Zhangming, a fishing friend from Siping, together with Siping City in Jilin Province to drive more than 800 kilometers long before arriving in Yanji, the capital of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture. A meeting, before the reply post on the Internet, that simply, neat, straightforward, pride Zhang Lei, at this time even the strength to say hello