Instrumented borehole drilling for interface identification in intricate weathered granite ground en

来源 :Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:davidrandy
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The successful application in drilling for HK simple weathered granite foundation has revealed its further use in instru- mented drilling system as a ground investigation tool in the detection of other lithology formations, geohazards, underground water, and boundary of orebody. To expand the further use and test the accuracy in identification of formation, an R-20 rotary-hydraulic drill rig was instrumented with a digital drilling process monitoring system (DPM) for drilling in an intricate decomposed granite site. In this test ground, the boreholes revealed that the weathered granite alternately changes between moderate and strong. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of the penetrating parameters, indicates the effective thrust force, rotary speed, flushing pressure, penetrating rate, and displacement of the bit fluctuate at ground interfaces. It shows that the parameters get a good response with the change of rock strength at the interfaces, which can reveal the change of the intricate granite formation. Besides, a variable-slope method has been established, for identification of dominative and subsidiary interfaces in the granite site. The result from a t-test shows that the confi- dence of the instrumented drilling system in identification of the geotechnical interfaces is up to 99%. The successful application in drilling for HK simple weathered granite foundation has revealed its further use in instru- mented drilling system as a ground investigation tool in the detection of other lithology formations, geohazards, underground water, and boundary of orebody. To expand the further use and test the accuracy in identification of formation, an R-20 rotary-hydraulic drill rig instrumented with a digital drilling process monitoring system (DPM) for drilling in an intricate decomposed granite site. In this test ground, the boreholes revealed that the weathered granite alternately changes between moderate and strong. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of the penetrating parameters, indicates the effective thrust force, rotary speed, flushing pressure, penetrating rate, and displacement of the bit fluctuate at ground interfaces. good response with the change of rock strength at the interfaces, which can reveal the change of the intricate granite formation. Besides, a variable-slope method has been established for identification of dominative and subsidiary interfaces in the granite site. The result from a t-test shows that the confi- dence of the instrumented drilling system in identification of the geotechnical interfaces is up to 99%.
随着课程改革的推进,小组合作学习(Group coop?erative learning)模式逐渐应用到我国初中英语教学中,使课堂教学氛围更加活跃,学生对于英语学习的积极性更高,同时也有效提高
我们湖北省杂文学会1985年诞生,如今已“三十而立”了。1986年,我们学会举办了纪念鲁迅逝世五十周年学术研讨会,地点就在华中师范大学。我特别希望,杂文学会新的领导班子,继续高举鲁迅这面旗帜前进!   中国“五四”运动前后,鲁迅在血雨腥风的险恶环境中,坚持不懈地向帝国主义、封建主义及反动当局冲锋陷阵,功勋卓著。不幸,他积劳成疾,五十六岁即逝世于上海。当时,有蔡元培、沈钧儒、宋庆龄等各界名流执绋及演