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引言在电机、电器工业中以铝代铜是我国一项具有重大政治意义和战略意义的技术政策,是落实伟大领袖毛主席“备战、备荒、为人民”战略方针的具体措施。铜是电机、电器工业的主要原料之一,铜更是重要的战略物资。目前我国每年铜的需用量甚巨,部分自国外进口消耗大量外汇。随着我国社会主义建设的发展,铜的需用量必将大幅度上升,铜的供求将更不相适应。而我国的铝资源较铜资源丰富得多。因此,在电机、电器工业中以铝代铜、降低铜的耗用量既是对国防建设的有力支援,又能使原料立足国内,充分发展生产,满足国民经济建设的需要。所以,以铝代铜是自力更生发展电机、电器工业的根本途径。 Introduction In the electrical and electronics industries, taking aluminum as a substitute for copper is a technical policy of great political significance and strategic significance in our country and a concrete measure for implementing Chairman Mao’s strategic guideline of “preparing for war, preparing for war and for the people”. Copper is the motor, one of the main raw materials for the electrical industry, copper is an important strategic material. At present, the annual amount of copper needed in our country is very huge, and some foreign currencies are consumed in imports from abroad. With the development of socialist construction in our country, the required amount of copper is bound to increase substantially, and the supply and demand of copper will be more incommensurate. However, China’s aluminum resources are much richer than copper resources. Therefore, taking aluminum as a substitute for copper in the electrical and electronics industries and reducing the consumption of copper is not only a powerful support for national defense construction, but also enables the raw materials to be based on the domestic market, fully develop production and meet the needs of national economic construction. Therefore, taking aluminum as a substitute for copper is the fundamental way to develop the motor and electrical appliance industry independently.
<正> 敦煌石窟是中国艺术的瑰宝,其规模之宏伟、内容之丰富、表现方法之多样、成就之高,无与伦比,人所共知。因为敦煌石窟艺术是以佛教为主干,而佛教又是从印度传入中国的:印