
来源 :黑龙江教育(小学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liudanfeng123
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教学内容:人教版品德与生活(社会)教材五年级上册三单元。教学目标:1.通过活动了解我国海陆疆域,充分感受我国幅员辽阔,为祖国感到自豪。2.通过查找,增加读图能力。3.初步了解我国的行政区划,知道部分省级行政单位在祖国版图上的大体位置。教学重点:全方位感知祖国疆域辽阔。教学难点:通过查找地图,增加读图能力。教学流程一、调查导入师:同学们,我是你的新朋友,共同开始上课之前,我想做个小调查。你们出去旅游过吗?都去过哪儿呢? Teaching content: PEP Edition morality and life (social) teaching materials on the fifth grade three volumes. Teaching Objectives: 1. To understand China’s land and sea territory through activities, to fully experience the vast territory of our country and feel proud of our motherland. 2 through the search, increase reading ability. 3. Preliminary understanding of China’s administrative divisions, know some of the provincial administrative units in the motherland’s territory on the general location. Teaching focus: all-round perception of the vast territory of the motherland. Difficulties in teaching: Through the search for maps, increase reading ability. Teaching process First, the investigation Import teacher: Students, I am your new friend, before starting a class, I want to be a small survey. Have you ever been to travel? Where have you been?