
来源 :教育科学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangjia09
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放学后时间是儿童每天生活的重要部分,如何度过这段时间对儿童的成长至关重要,既可能出现成长的危险,也可能是发展的机遇。那么不同群体儿童又面临怎样的危险和机遇呢?研究提供了一个分析框架,并通过对北京市不同群体的儿童问卷调查研究发现,放学后流动儿童比城市本地儿童更易处于危险的境遇;更少有教育补习和发展兴趣的机遇;并且城市本地儿童更偏好看课外书、上网查资料、看科普教育类的电视节目等;而流动儿童,尤其是来自农村的流动儿童,更多沉迷于看电视剧电影、上网玩游戏等。为此,应当针对流动儿童尤其是来自农村的流动儿童,提供放学后教育和社会支持,以增加其发展机遇,减少成长的危险。 After school, time is an important part of children’s daily life. How to spend this time is crucial for the growth of children. It may not only be risk of growth but also development opportunity. So what dangers and opportunities are faced by different groups of children? The study provides an analytical framework and studies on children in different groups in Beijing found that migrant children are more at risk than local children in urban areas after school; There are opportunities for tutoring and developing interest. Local urban children also prefer to read extra-curricular books, surf the internet and watch popular TV programs. Mobile children, especially migrant children from rural areas, are more addicted to watching TV series Movies, online games and more. To this end, post-school education and social support should be provided to migrant children, especially migrant children from rural areas so as to increase their opportunities for development and reduce the risk of growth.
谷歌公司近日宣布改组营运结构,成立Alphabet控股公司,谷歌联合创始人佩奇将担任Alphabet首席执行官,而谷歌公司的新任总裁则由印度人皮查伊担任。如此一来,硅谷两大巨头——微软和谷歌均由印度人掌门。  谷歌表示,新成立的Alphabet将成为一家新的控股公司,包括谷歌和Calico公司。其中谷歌包含YouTube、Android手机软件以及其他基于Web的产品;而后者为谷歌旗下独立部门,包
文言文教学是高中语文教学中的重头戏。尽管学术界对“学不学”“学多少”还有很多争议,但在实际教学中,因为高考还在考,教师们总是不敢掉以轻心的。不敢掉以轻心,在当前,最典型、最集中的表现就是不敢放。最近在不同地区听了几十节课,感受尤为强烈。教师上课畏首畏尾、战战兢兢,放不开、放不下;学生学起来味同嚼蜡,又毫无办法。  概括起来,大致有以下几个需要深入思考的问题。  当前文言文教学的主要问题,第一是凡文