本院自1988年8月至1990年6月收治经尿道或阴道分泌物涂片确诊为淋病患者120例,分别用淋克星和氟哌酸加青霉素进行对照治疗。现报告如下: 一般资料:本组120例中,男66例(55%),女54例(45%)。年龄1.5~71岁,14岁以下6例,15~20岁4例,21~30岁48例,31~40岁37例,41~50岁12例,51~60岁10例,61岁以上3例。职业以个体经营者、供销员以及无业人员为多。男66例中52例有冶游史。女性54例中15例有不洁性生活史,其余均系配偶或接触污物所致。治疗方法与结果:120例均在专科门诊分2组进行治疗对照观察。第1组72例中男27例,女45例。每天用氟哌酸1200mg,每次口服200mg,间隔4小时。青霉素320万u/d,分2次肌注,连用5天,停青霉素继续用氟哌酸2天,共7天。全部病例
The hospital from August 1988 to June 1990 transurethral or vaginal discharge smears diagnosed as gonorrhea in 120 patients, respectively, with nemesis and norfloxacin plus penicillin for the control treatment. Now report as follows: General information: The group of 120 cases, 66 males (55%), 54 females (45%). Aged from 1.5 to 71 years, under 14 years old 6 cases, 15 to 20 years old 4 cases, 21 to 30 years old 48 cases, 31 to 40 years old 37 cases, 41 to 50 years old 12 cases, 51 to 60 years old 10 cases, 61 years old and above 3 cases. Occupations to self-employed, sales and service workers and unemployed people. 52 cases of male patients with tour history. Fifty-five of 54 women had a history of dirty sex, and the rest were all caused by spouses or contact with dirt. Treatment methods and results: 120 cases were treated in the specialist out-patient treatment group 2 control observation. The first group of 72 patients, 27 males and 45 females. Norfloxacin daily 1200mg, 200mg orally every 4 hours interval. Penicillin 3.2 million u / d, 2 times intramuscular injection, once every 5 days, stopping penicillin to continue with norfloxacin 2 days, a total of 7 days. All cases