目的 探讨分析高中生心理健康状况 ,为心理干预提供客观依据。方法 用 16-PF对2 12 0例高一学生进行心理测验 ,建立心理档案 ,并进行 4年间数据比较。结果 发现在 1997~ 2 0 0 0年 ,Ax、Ci、PH、AD和情绪稳定性 ,心理承受能力 ,社会适应能力等因子分均存在显著差异 ,心理健康综合评估中等及差的比例逐年上升 ,差异显著 ,分别达 2 0 .16%、2 4.64 %、2 7.5 2 %、2 8.93 %。在 2 0 0 0年样本中 ,男女生 12项因子分结果比较发现在适应与焦虑、情感和理智、怯懦与果断、情绪稳定性 ,心理承受能力 ,心理健康综合评估等方面 ,男生明显强于女生。结论 提示对高中生在因试教育的同时应针对个体差异 ,性别特点 ,因势利导 ,切实有效的加强心理健康教育 ,以提高他们的心理素质和适应能力
Objective To analyze and analyze the mental health status of senior high school students and provide an objective basis for psychological intervention. Methods Psychological tests were conducted on 2 12 0 high school students using 16-PF to establish psychological files and compare data for 4 years. The results showed that in 1997 ~ 2000, Ax, Ci, PH, AD and emotional stability, psychological endurance, social adaptability and other factors were significantly different, the proportion of moderate and poor mental health assessment increased year by year, The differences were significant, reaching 20.16%, 2.64%, 2 7.52% and 2 8.93% respectively. In the sample of 2000, male and female students’ scores of 12 factors showed that male students were significantly stronger than male ones in adaptation and anxiety, emotion and reason, cowardice and decisiveness, emotional stability, psychological endurance and mental health comprehensive evaluation Girls Conclusions suggest that high school students should try their best to improve their mental health and adaptability in light of individual differences, gender characteristics,