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不等式是高中数学的重要内容,均值不等式是不等式进行变形的一个重要依据,在应用时不仅要牢记三个条件“正、定、等”,而且要善于根据均值不等式的结构特征,创设应用均值不等式的条件,利用待定系数法凑定值是常用的解题技巧,本文举例说明.例1已知常数a,b都是正数,变量x满足0x Inequality is an important part of high school mathematics. The mean inequality is an important basis for inequality deformation. In application, it is not only necessary to keep in mind the three conditions “positive, definite, etc.”, but also to be good at creating application mean inequalities based on the structural features of the mean inequality. The condition, using undetermined coefficient method to calculate the value is a commonly used problem-solving technique, this article illustrates. Example 1 known constants a, b are positive, variable x satisfies 0x
余秋雨是我国当代著名的艺术理论家和散文家,他上个世纪九十年代出版的《文化苦旅》一面世,便在读者群中造成空前的轰动效应。可以说,《文化苦旅》的出现,打破了传统散文的一元化创作模式,使散文走向多元化、复调化。更重要的是,余秋雨把对历史和文化的思考融入到散文创作中,形成了别具一格的文化散文系列。本文试图从《道士塔》一文出发,管中窥豹,简要谈谈余秋雨在散文创作手法上的一些革新。  首先,余秋雨在写作中始终