我国社会主义到处在胜利前进,凯歌声中,又传来了全国工业学大庆会议召开的大喜讯。这是毛主席无产阶级革命路线的又一伟大胜利,是华主席的抓纲治国战略决策的丰硕成果。我们《人民文学》编辑部同革命文学工作者、全国工人阶级、全国人民一样兴高采烈,热情欢呼这一空前盛会所取得的辉煌胜利! 英明领袖华主席率领全党全军和全国各族人民一举粉碎了“四人帮”之后,大张旗鼓
In the victorious triumph of socialism in our country, there is also a great news about the Daqing Conference for National Industry held here. This is another great victory won by Chairman Mao’s proletarian revolutionary line and a fruitful result of Chairman Hua’s strategic plan of grasping the country. The editorial department of our People’s Literature, like the revolutionary literary workers, the working class and the people throughout the country, euphoria and enthusiastically cheered this unprecedented victory! The wise leader Chairman Hua led the entire party and the army and people of all nationalities in the country to smash After the “gang of four”, a big way