今年的12月17日是伟大的发明家莱特兄弟第一次动力飞行成功的100周年纪念日。这一伟大的创举对世界科学技术的发展和人类社会的进步,都起到了巨大的作用,这就是为什么世界各国都在纪念他们的原因。在这伟大的日子即将到来之际,我们回忆莱特兄弟发明飞机所走过的道路,从中给人以启迪。 1.从操纵技术开始莱特兄弟自幼喜欢机械,喜欢航空。特别是听到1896年8月9日这一天,被誉为“滑翔机之父”的德国工程师奥托·李林塔尔(Otto Lilien-tal,1848-1896)在滑翔机飞行中不幸因故遇难的消息,受到极大的刺激和感动,自此兄弟俩决心为研制出动力飞机而奋斗。
This year’s December 17 is the 100th anniversary of the success of the first power-driven Wright Brothers’ great inventor. This great initiative has played a tremendous role in the development of world science and technology and in the progress of human society. That is why all countries in the world are commemorating their cause. As this great day is approaching, we recalled the path that the Wright brothers had invented, and enlightened us. 1. Starting from the manipulation technology Wright brothers like machinery since childhood, like aviation. In particular, on August 9, 1896, Otto Lilien-tal (1848-1896), a German engineer known as the “father of a glider,” was unfortunately unlucky for glider flights The news of the disaster was greatly stimulated and touched, and since then the brothers have been determined to work hard to develop a powered aircraft.